Mens Hiking Groups, The highs and lows of the hills.

Hiking for Men’s Health, its more than just exercise

We men face challenges, be it work stress, family responsibilities or societal expectations that weigh heavy on us.

Many men struggle with mental health issues in silence, in recent finds, 77% of men have suffered with symptoms of common mental health conditions such as anxiety, depress or stress.

I have for years, dealing with anxiety from age 11, insecure attachment style, alcohol use during teens which all lead to a mighty mess in my twenties. 

Thankfully for me and many others, there was a solution, therapy.  Going through therapy lead me to becoming a therapist in my late twenties, leading to working with men going through similar issues as I had.

Now, after many years of supporting men individually, and seeing more and more themes of men suffering in silence and in isolation with 40% of men reporting that they have never talked about their issues, I want to create a safe space, non-counselling, non-judgemental, empathetic space and fully embracing a compassionate stance that is not therapy but is certainly extremely therapeutic.  My solution: group hiking. I love hiking, I have been an avid hiker for years and know the many benefits I have gained from it personally. And how many of us to hiking and walking during covid. You’d almost have to queue to get up a mountain back then.

Why hiking you might ask??  Well hiking offers a unique blend of benefits:

  • Physical exercise
  • Connection with nature
  • Social interaction and connection
  • Mental clarity

Research by the likes of Anna Muro, Daniela Huber, Bobae lee highlights that these elements combine to create a powerful tool for improving men’s overall well-being as It breaks down barriers, reassuring us that we are all in this together.

There are of course concerns when starting a new fitness routine or joining a new group, as it can feel daunting for many. Some of the concerns that I have had, and hear often are:

Low fitness levels

Fear of not keeping up

Anxiety about meeting new people

Over the last two weeks or so I have heard many of these reasons and excuses, my god but we have a big book of excuses, an encyclopaedia of them if you will. This is one book that needs burnt to a crisp..

Let’s create a menu of motivators, a list of reasons to do the thing instead of focusing on the negative. Will it be challenging, yes, though we will be starting on smaller hikes and building up as we progress, there will also be days to the beach, forests, cold water dips and bring the kids hikes too.  

Our group hikes/walks can address these worries as they will cater to all fitness levels, fostering a supportive environment where men encourage each other.

The power of a shared experience when out for a walk or hike allows conversations to flow naturally when we are shoulder to shoulder, us men open up about their lives better sharing issues such as,

  • Work challenges
  • Relationship struggles
  • Personal goals
  • Health concerns

If they want to that is, or they can just get out and enjoy the scenery, have some laughs and feel the benefits of doing something active.

The informal setting of being in nature allows for authentic connections, it aids us to realise we are not alone in our struggles; this is the connection to common humanity that having a compassionate stance teaches us about.


What are the mental health benefits of hiking:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Boosts mood and self-esteem
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Increases focus and creativity

The combination of exercise, nature, and social interaction creates a potent antidepressant effect and its free.. bloody free. Not easy but certainly free.

Some physical health gains,

Hiking builds fitness gradually, it improves cardiovascular health

  • Strengthens muscles and bones
  • Enhances balance and coordination
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight

The varied terrain of hiking trails provides a full-body workout without the monotony of a gym. Gyms are good though.

There are also the social benefits, men’s hiking groups foster lasting friendships which include,

  • Shared interests beyond hiking
  • Support network for life challenges
  • Accountability for health goals
  • Reduced social isolation

These connections extend beyond the trail, enriching men’s lives in unexpected ways.

Still reading?? Interested in getting started?

  • Follow our social media pages for the next hike date
  • We will start with shorter, easier trails and build up
  • Bring water and appropriate footwear
  • Be open to new experiences

Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Your Call to Action

Men’s health deserves attention, group hiking offers an accessible, enjoyable path to improved well-being. So, take the first step.

Get in touch to sign up our next hike in November, or find a local hiking group, or ask a friend to head out with you for a walk, lace up your boots and hit the trail for better health and new friendships.

Will you answer the call of the wild?

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